Saturday, May 31, 2008

JBird Bags Is Born!!!!!

Okay everyone--it's official!  I've had so many people compliment me on the purses I've sewn and then follow with the question:  "Do you sell those?" that I've decided to do it.  My family, friends, and hubby have been very supportive and encouraging so I'm out taking some small baby steps.

I'm currently working on a few original designs and exploring some other avenues.  I've created an etsy account and a separate email account so be on the lookout for some of my items coming soon.  Once I get some things listed on etsy I'll send an update to the blog to let you know!

My new email for sewing related inquiries is:

My etsy site is:

1 comment:

ALLISON said...

Congratulations Jenni; I hope all goes well with your new venture!

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