Monday, February 1, 2010

Deep Thoughts

So, I was thinking the other day that it seems like I always have some sort of project. It could be any variety of things: from sewing a cute bag to reorganizing my cookbooks or even something which seems more serious like a self-improvement process or "ordering my private world". I put this in quotes because it's a book I'm reading right now with that exact title by Gordon MacDonald. I borrowed it from my pastor because I like all sorts of things that he has to say and when he said he reads this book 2-3 times per year I thought I should read it at least once.

The idea of contentment came into my mind, though, and I wondered how these two things are related. Constantly having a project, whether it be a craft or yourself and contentment. When Christians talk about trying to achieve contentment, being able to rejoice in any circumstance and to put it crudely "being happy with your lot in life"--where does self-improvement fit into that? Maybe they aren't related at all. I do think God expects us to bloom where we're planted and rejoice in all things, but I also think he expects us to take initiative for improving things as well. I think sometimes my conclusions about the things I need to improve upon aren't always what His conclusions would be. This would be where praying for His wisdom and discernment would come in handy. I am quite sure that all my improvement projects would be successful if I was only choosing the ones He would have me choose.

I guess I'm telling you all of this to let you know that Chris thinks I should start really blogging about our homeschooling journey. I don't consider myself much of a writer and I don't really see why anyone would care to read what I have to say, but I am considering it. He thinks I should post about what it is REALLY like--all the things that are stressful and make me want to throw in the towel and all the other things that make it a truly joyful experience too. I guess a great number of the homeschooling blogs you read focus on the choice of curriculum, the great books that a particular family is reading, or the never-ending bliss of homeschooling in general. The scenes you see in pictures of the entire family dressed in their homemade clothes, reading old-timey stories by kerosene lamp. Don't get me wrong: I am not trying to sound critical of anyone who has things like this happen in their home. If that is what they want and it works, then I think that's great. But--it doesn't happen around here. I guess he tends to think that most other homeschooling moms are just like me and we all wish that we could be really honest about how most of our days really just suck and that we feel like we are failing. Instead, we read these other articles and blogs about the way it is supposed to be and feel even more like failures--I guess he just is thinking I'd be really honest or something.........

I don't know yet--but I am doing a lot of thinking about it. I have some good stories to tell, good resources to share and also lots of other boring stuff to talk about. I'm also now having to write my closing thoughts while listening to all the descriptions of the Legos in my oldest son's latest Lego catalog--so now I am really showing my talents.

So, to spice things up a bit with a picture. Here you go.

Does anyone have a cure for chronic constipation in a 6-year-old that doesn't involve a Fleet's Enema? I'm trying the above, but I've already thrown away 3 pairs of underwear this week and it's only Monday. This little adventure just might make for a great first post--heehee.

Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker
Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker